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About the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Foundation

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The American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAOG), was founded in 1888 and a related foundation (AAOGF) was incorporated in 1929 to support the mission AAOG. When the AAOG merged with the American Gynecologic Society (AGS) to form the American Gynecological and Obstetrical Society (AGOS), the AAOGF continued as the foundation related to the newly consolidated organization. The goals of the parent organizations were similar, being to enhance knowledge in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology, to encourage transmission of current knowledge, and the recruitment of academically talented individuals to the field. The resources of the Foundation have been enhanced significantly by donations from the members of AAOG and subsequently the members of AGOS. The Foundation has also been the beneficiary of generous bequests from the estates of Dr. James Kennedy in 1966, Dr. Walter Dannreuther in 1969, Dr. J. Bay Jacobs in 1989, Dr. Henry L Darner in 1996 and Dr. Donald Swartz in 2011.

To accomplish the mission, AAOGF has developed a number of programs. These include:

  • Three-year mentored research training scholarships
  • Bridge grants to young investigators
  • Travel awards to introduce talented young academicians to AGOS
  • Support of the Joseph Price Oration which an internationally distinguished guest speaker presents at the annual scientific meeting of AGOS

Among these endeavors, the mentored research training awards is the most prominent program. Initially, only one new scholar was funded per year for two years and the program received external grant support from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund. Since 1997 the AAOGF has partnered with the Education Foundation of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology to jointly fund one new scholar per year and in 2003 the Pregnancy Foundation of the Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine (SMFM) began a partnership with AAOGF to also jointly fund one scholar per year. These partnerships have enabled the foundation to extend the scholarships to a three year duration with an increase in the amount of the annual awards.

In 2012 the foundation announced an inaugural Bridge Grant Award targeted to support young investigators between mentored research training and successful transition to independently funded investigators. Similar individuals with a lapse in funded may also be considered for a bridge award. These awards are of one year duration. The inaugural award was generously supported by the Education Foundation of ABOG

The AAOGF travel awards to the AGOS meeting are intended to introduce junior academic faculty to the members of AGOS and to the meeting. Awards are made based on academic promise. The awards are named to honor the major benefactors of the foundation and the most prestigious award is designated the AGOS Presidential Award

The AAOGF also supports invited speakers, including the Joseph Price Orator, and other aspects of the annual scientific meeting of AGOS.